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Does Experience Does For The Soul What Education Does For The Body?

The wisdom of experience is indeed without limit.

Experience, as we all know is a concept that is relative and only understood in its proper context. For example, if you are having a problem that is not related to your soul, and if you believe that you have reached the end of that particular life when the problem ceases to exist, you will only be mistaken. However, if you do have that particular experience and you then go on to experience further problems with reference to that original problem, you can be assured that your perception or interpretation is correct, and that indeed the life that you are living at this very moment is not the last existence that you will live. 

In essence, your soul is constantly evolving and growing from every moment to every other moment. And, just like an education that keeps on evolving as new knowledge and experiences is uncovered; so too must your soul be reinvented as you go along your journey. Your soul is always learning, always adjusting, and always growing. Consequently, this being the case, it follows that there is never any such thing as “no experience.” 

The truth is that there is such a thing as no experience.

But, most people correlate this to the idea that there is a life after this one. That there is something better out there, beyond this life, which will give us our true experience. The truth is that there is no such thing as something better or “better” than our present experience. There is only this life, and that life is infinitely better than any experience that we have had thus far. 

Now then, I ask you; if there are such things as experiences outside of this life, then why education? Why is there such a thing as soul and brain? If there are no experiences outside of this life, then how can there be an education? If there are no experiences, then can there be knowledge? If there is knowledge, then who are we?

What is the meaning of our souls being called our bodies? 

In other words, do souls experience pain and pleasure? Yes, they do, and this being the case, it follows that there is such a thing as pain and pleasure. So, if a person has a very wonderful and enjoyable experience, does he or she have a soul experiencing that experience? Is there such a thing as the soul experience?

Does the soul experience? 

If this is the case, then what is the meaning of death? What is the point of being here on earth if we end up simply dying? If we end up just sort of “dies”, then where will we go? If we don’t die, then where will experience come from?