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A Story of How One Girl Changed the World

“How One Girl Stand Up For Education and Changed The World” is a great book by Amy Waterman. It is an inspiring story of one girl, Amy who changed the world with her courage. In the book, you get to learn what Amy did that made her stand up for education, what she did that got her into politics, and most importantly, what she did to change the world. This is a very important book by a woman who has done something amazing. 

So, how one girl stood up for education and changed the world?

Well, let me tell you. Amy was born in Nebraska but grew up in Texas. While growing up, her parents divorced when she was young, and she only saw her two sisters and a brother. She didn’t have any friends at all, so she was quite isolated, and didn’t really know how to deal with her anger and her poverty. 

But, she loved math, and she decided one day

That she would like to go to college so that she could start an education. She put this off for a while, thinking that it would be expensive, but she kept putting it off, and when her grades started to slip, she started to panic. She didn’t know what to do anymore. Amy started to ask around; nobody knew anything about her, so she just kept looking. Eventually, someone told her about the Wilderness School in Lincoln, Nebraska – an all-girls school that offers scholarship assistance for women, and she knew that if she joined, she could give herself a chance at an education. 

When Amy finally went to college: She was determined to change herself for the better. She did not just want to attend school, she wanted to change her whole life. She earned a degree in Biology and enrolled in an intensive pre-med program. She was very disappointed when she failed her first semester, but then she realized that it was simply a matter of how much she wanted to improve herself. She worked hard throughout her coursework and was lucky enough to have good support from her instructors as well as from some of the other students in her core room. 

And then one day, she said to her mother: “I think I can make a difference in the world.” That’s how one girl started, but she didn’t stop there. She used her new knowledge to set up scholarships and foundation, which she used to pay for her braces, and to help other people in her community. She even got herself a small part time job at a local supermarket. None of her peers came to her for help, but she used her knowledge to set them on the right track, and now she is proud to say that she knows how to advocate for education and to fight for the rights of others. That’s how one girl stood up for education and changed the world. 

The point of this story is simple: One girl, inspired by her mother’s desire for education, did something really incredible. She took matters into her own hands and stood up for education. She did something so bold that changed the future of many. And her example is something you should learn from. Stand up for education today, and look what you’ll create in your future.